A brief about ZooKeeper: A Distributed Coordination Service for Distributed Applications
It exposes a simple set of primitives that distributed applications can build upon to implement higher level services for synchronization, configuration maintenance, and groups and naming.
Coordination services are notoriously hard to get right. They are especially.prone to errors such as race conditions and deadlock. The motivation behind ZooKeeper is to relieve distributed applications the responsibility.of implementing coordination services from scratch.
Use Cases :
Zookeeper now these getting popularity for distributed application like hadoop, Flume ,HBase etc.
For any distributed application , ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services.
Each time they are implemented there is a lot of work that goes into fixing the bugs and race conditions that are inevitable. Because of the difficulty of implementing these kinds of services, applications initially usually skimp on them ,which make them brittle in the presence of change and difficult to manage.
Once ,Zookeeper been deployed , it can be shared accross number of distributed Apllication for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services.
If large data storage is needed, the usually pattern of dealing with such data is to store it on a bulk storage system, such as NFS or HDFS, and store pointers to the storage locations in ZooKeeper.
Like the distributed processes it coordinates, ZooKeeper itself is intended to be replicated over a sets of hosts called an Zookeeper ensemble.
In zookeeper ensemble , all zookeeper server must all know about each other zookeeper server . They maintain an in-memory image of state, along with a transaction logs and snapshots in a persistent store.
Clients connect to a single ZooKeeper server. The client maintains a TCP connection through which it sends requests, gets responses, gets watch events, and sends heart beats. If the TCP connection to the server breaks, the client will connect to a different server.
ZooKeeper stamps each update with a number that reflects the order of all ZooKeeper transactions. Subsequent operations can use the order to implement higher-level abstractions, such as synchronization primitives, deadlocks etc.
Well , after a brief about zookeeper ensemble architechture , we are ready for ensemble deployment . I am giving here steps to be followed . these all steps for three server cluster, you can change accordingly as number of servers increases / decreses.
Step :1. download zookeeper :
Downloaded a stable ZooKeeper release .
$ sudo wget http://mirror.cloudera.com/apache/hadoop/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.3.1/zookeeper-3.3.1.tar.gz
Step :2. Unpacking Download
Unpack it at three places and rename these as.
and use cd to zookeeper root folder.
Step :3. Creating Configuration file
To start ZooKeeper you need a configuration file.
Create it in conf/zoo.cfg . Here I giving sample for these three server.
Create it in conf/zoo.cfg . Here I giving sample for these three server.
server.1 : /usr/local/zookeeper1/conf/zoo.cfg
server.2= localhost:2889:3889
server.3= localhost:2890:3890
server.2 : /usr/local/zookeeper2/conf/zoo.cfg
server.2= localhost:2889:3889
server.3= localhost:2890:3890
server.3 : /usr/local/zookeeper3/conf/zoo.cfg
server.2= localhost:2889:3889
server.3= localhost:2890:3890
Here, a brief about each configuration parameter :
dataDir : the location to store the in-memory database snapshots and, .unless specified otherwise, the transaction log of updates to the database.
clientPort : the port to listen for client connections.
clientPort : the port to listen for client connections.
initLimit : timeouts ZooKeeper uses to limit the length of time the.ZooKeeper servers in quorum have to connect to a leader.
syncLimit : limits how far out of date server can be from a leader.
tickTime : With both of these timeouts, you specify the unit of time using tickTime in miliseconds.
server.X= hostname:nnnn:mmmm : list the servers that make up.the ZooKeeper service.where X is ids of servers.
nnnn : quorum election port
mmmm: leader election port
Note : If you want to test multiple servers on a single machine, specify the servername aslocalhost with unique quorum & leader election ports for each server.X in that server's config file. Of course separate dataDirs and distinct clientPorts are also necessary .
Step :4 Define Server-id
Then,you should come with question,“How would server know his id ?”
When the server starts up, it knows which server it is by looking for the.file myid in the data directory dataDir . That file has the contains the server number, in ASCII.
To do so, follow me:
Create a file named myid at dataDir directory as specified in .configuration.and put id of that server.
For this cluster , create file myid at three place as shown :
/var/zookeeper1/myid contains 1
/var/zookeeper2/myid contains 2
/var/zookeeper3/myid contains 3
Step :5 Running zookeeper Ensemble :
you created the configuration file, you can start Zookeepers as :
open three terminals :
At Termanal 1:
$ cd /usr/local/zookeeper1/
$ bin/zkServer.sh start
At Terminal 2:
$ cd /usr/local/zookeeper2/
$ bin/zkServer.sh start
At Terminal 3:
$ cd /usr/local/zookeeper3/
$ bin/zkServer.sh start
Now , zookeeper ensemble is running mode .
Step :5 Connecting to ZooKeeper
Once ZooKeeper is running, you have several options for connection to it:
· Java: Use
$ cd <path_to_zookeeper_root>
$ bin/zkCli.sh -server <hostname>:<clientPort>
As here :
$ cd /usr/local/zookeeper1
$ bin/zkCli.sh -server localhost:2184
This lets you perform simple, file-like operations.
C: compile cli_mt (multi-threaded) or cli_st (single-threaded) by running make cli_mt or make cli_st in thesrc/c subdirectory in the ZooKeeper sources.
You can run the program from src/c using:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. cli_mt localhost:2184
LD _LIBRARY_PATH=. cli_st localhost:2184
Step :1. download zookeeper :
Downloaded and unpack a stable ZooKeeper release at each machine .
$ cd /usr/local
$ sudo wget http://mirror.cloudera.com/apache/hadoop/zookeeper/zookeeper- 3.3.1/zookeeper-3.3.1.tar.g
$ sudo tar -zxvf zookeeper-3.3.1.tar.gz
$ cd /zookeeper-3.3.1
Step :2. Create configuration :
To start ZooKeeper you need a configuration file. Create it in conf/zoo.cfg on .each server.
Here I giving sample for these three server.
Here I giving sample for these three server.
Step :3 Define server-id
Create a file named myid at dataDir directory as specified in configuration.and put id of that server.
For this cluster , create file myid at three place as shown :
At /var/zookeeper contains 1
At /var/zookeeper contains 2
At /var/zookeeper contains 3
Step :4 Running zookeeper Ensemble :
you created the configuration file, you can start Zookeepers with terminal .
At each machine :
$ cd /usr/local/zookeeper-3.3.1/
$ bin/zkServer.sh start
Now , zookeeper ensemble is running mode .
Step :5 Connecting to ZooKeeper
Once ZooKeeper is running, you have several options for connection to it:
Java: Use
$ cd <path_to_zookeeper_root>
$ bin/zkCli.sh -server <hostname>:<clientPort>
As here :
$ cd /usr/local/zookeeper1
$ bin/zkCli.sh -server localhost:2184
This lets you perform simple, file-like operations.
· C: compile cli_mt (multi-threaded) or cli_st (single-threaded) by running make cli_mt or make cli_st in the src/c subdirectory in the ZooKeeper sources.
You can run the program from src/c using:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. cli_mt localhost:2184
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. cli_st localhost:2184
Hopefully this article is helping you out. and tried to make it simple and
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